Transfer PLC data from OEM equipment without modifying the OEM’s code using ProSoft Technology’s new Message Manager Module

The Message Manager acts as an aggregator of data transfers between multiple PLCs, all from one location.

ProSoft Technology’s new Message Manager (ILX56-MM) module is a multi-system data transfer engine that resides in a single slot of a Rockwell Automation® ControlLogix® chassis. For plant automation, manufacturing and packaging applications where end users frequently utilize customized OEM equipment in conjunction with their overall process automation schemes, the Message Manager provides the unique benefit of allowing end users to transfer PLC data from OEM equipment to a Rockwell Automation PAC/PLC without modifying the OEM’s code. This eliminates the need for access the OEM source code (which may not be available), concerns about affecting the OEM’s machine operation, and/or owning and maintaining other PLCs’ programming software.

The Message Manager acts as an aggregator of data transfers between multiple PLCs, all from one location. Traditional PLC-to-PLC data transfers can require PLC programming in several locations and often with multiple programming packages. The Message Manager pulls all your data transfer code into one location and requires no special software to support or maintain. For configuration, the module uses a built-in graphical web-based configuration tool with easy-to-use, intuitive user prompts.
Data transfers can be set up by users at one location for up to 16 controllers including:

• Rockwell Automation SLCTM 500, PLC-5®, MicroLogix(TM), CompactLogix(TM), and ControlLogix® controllers via any network supported in the Rockwell Automation 1756 ControlLogix platform
• Siemens S7 PLCs and other PLCs using Industrial Ethernet protocol
• Schneider Electric and other PLCs using Modbus TCP/IP protocol

“In times of economic uncertainty, manufacturers prioritize automation expenditures that provide the fastest return on investment (ROI) as well as protect and maximize the lifecycle of the existing installed base, thereby preventing the need to ‘rip out and replace’ existing assets that continue to perform well,” according to Craig Resnick, Research Director, ARC Advisory Group. "Technologies such as the Message Manager module provide simplified bridging solutions from the existing installed base of controllers to state of the art automation platforms such as Rockwell Automation ControlLogix PACs to fulfill the real-time data collection and information needs of the plant floor. This capability is critical, as each controller, no matter its brand or age, provides a vital link for manufacturers to achieve Real-time Performance Management, which uses dynamic performance targets to drive an enterprise to reach its optimum potential and achieve competitive advantage."

Highlights include:
• Built-in web based configuration utility
• Supports Internet Explorer 7
• Single slot – 1756 backplane compatibility
• Remove and Insert Under Power (RIUP)
• Supports Local or Remote rack
• Scrolling display for status and diagnostics

All ProSoft Technology products come with a three year warranty and unlimited technical support.
