ProSoft Technology 的 EtherNet/IP™ 转 Modbus® TCP/IP 通信网关可在罗克韦尔自动化 PAC 与施耐德电气 PAC 之间实现高速双向数据传输。我们的 Modbus® TCP/IP 驱动程序具有多客户端和服务器功能,传输数据更快。它有两个独立的以太网端口,每个协议驻留在独立的子网中,无需更改各个设备的 IP 地址,可在两个子网之间传输数据。
此外,网关还内置嵌入式 EDS 附加组态文件,集成简便,可大大缩短调试时间。
EtherNet/IP™ 规格
规格 |
描述 |
3 类服务器连接数目 |
5 |
支持的 PLC 类型 |
支持的消息类型 |
3 类客户端连接 |
已连接 - 2 未连接 - 1 |
1 类 I/O 连接数目 |
2 |
I/O 连接大小 |
248/248 |
最大 RPI 时间 |
每个连接 5 ms |
支持的 CIP 服务 |
0x4C - CIP 数据表读取 0x4D - CIP 数据表写入 |
命令列表 |
每台客户端支持 100 条命令,每条均可针对命令类型、IP 地址、寄存器寻址和字/位计数进行配置。 |
命令集 |
PLC-2/PLC-3/PLC5 基本命令集 PLC5 二进制命令集 PLC5 ASCII 命令集 SLC500 命令集 |
Modbus® TCP/IP 规格
规格 |
描述 |
支持的 Modbus 功能代码 |
1:读取线圈状态 2:读取输入状态 3:读取保持寄存器 4:读取输入寄存器 5:强制 (写入) 单个线圈 6:预设 (写入) 单个保持寄存器 |
15: 强制 (写) 多线圈 16:预设 (写入) 多个保持寄存器 22:屏蔽写入保持寄存器 (仅从站) 23:读取/写入保持寄存器 (仅从站) |
支持的客户端 |
10 |
支持的服务器 |
MBAP - 5 封装 - 5 |
命令列表 |
多达 160 条完全可配置的客户端命令 |
状态数据 |
为每条命令单独报告错误代码 |
命令列表轮询 |
可单独启用或禁用每条命令;数据更改时仅允许写入 |
规格 |
描述 |
电源 |
标称值 24 VDC |
电流负载 |
标称值 24 VDC @ 300 mA 10 到 36 VDC @ 最大值 610 mA |
工作温度 |
-25°C 至 70°C (-13°F 至 158°F) |
存储温度 |
-40°C 至 80°C (-40°F 至 176°F) |
相对湿度 |
5% 至 95% RH,无冷凝 |
尺寸 |
5.38 x 1.99 x 4.38 in |
ATEX 2 区 |
CB Safety |
CE Mark |
UL/cUL Class 1 Div 2 |
EIP Protocol Specifications
In server mode, the gateway accepts commands from one or more Clients to read/write data stored in the gateway’s internal registers.
Number of Connections |
5 |
Supported PLC Types |
PLC2, PLC5, SLC and ControlLogix file types supported |
Internal Database |
Data Table File Size: 100 or 1000 words Data Table File Start: N10 to N109 (based on file size set to 100) or N10 to N19 (based on file set to 1000) |
CIP Services Supported |
0x4C - CIP Data Table Read 0x4D - CIP Data Table Write |
EtherNet/IP Client
In Client mode, the gateway controls the read/write data transfer between the gateway and other EtherNet/IP devices.
Number of Clients Supported |
1 |
Command List |
Support for 100 commands per Client, each configurable for command type, IP address, register to/from addressing and word/bit count. |
Polling of Command List |
User-configurable polling of commands, including disabled, continuous and on change of data (write only). |
Other Configurable Parameters |
Number of Commands (up to 100 per Client) Min Command Delay Response Timeout Retry Count Command Error Pointer |
MBTCP Protocol Specifications
Modbus Commands Supported (Client and Server) |
1: Read Coil Status 2: Read Input Status 3: Read Holding Registers 4: Read Input Registers 5: Force (Write) Single Coil |
6: Preset (Write) Single Holding Register 15: Force (Write) Multiple Coils 16: Preset (Write) Multiple Holding Registers |
Configurable Parameters (Client and Server) |
Gateway IP Address Modbus data type starting address offsets Floating-point start address and database offset |
Configurable Parameters (Client Only) |
Minimum Command Delay Response Timeout Retry Count Command Error Pointer |
Command List |
Up to 100 fully configurable Client commands |
Status Data |
Error codes reported individually for each command |
Command List Polling |
Each command can be individually enabled or disabled; write-only-on-data-change is available |
ODVA EtherNet/IP - Declaration of Conformity | 183.48 kB | Last Modified 2020.11.09 |
Korean KC Registration | 974.32 kB | Last Modified 2020.07.07 |
ATEX Letter of Conformity | 107.32 kB | Last Modified 2022.05.12 |
CB Safety | 348.30 kB | Last Modified 2022.10.20 |
UL Certificate of Compliance | 233.35 kB | Last Modified 2022.11.16 |
Country Approval - Eurasian Customs Union Conformity (EAC) (Wired) | 1.92 MB | Last Modified 2020.07.10 |
Declaration of Conformity (RoHS/CE) | 114.24 kB | Last Modified 2022.06.01 |
Declaration of REACH Compliance | 145.49 kB | Last Modified 2022.06.01 |