Security features include:
With no software to install or maintain, you can eliminate a common point of entry for hackers.
Layer 2 networking ensures a very simple setup – it’ll feel like you are in front of the machine. It is intuitive to use, and a defense-in-depth multi-layered approach to security means secure end-to-end communications.
The platform’s EasyBridge support means your automation programming tools (such as Studio 5000, Unity Pro, and more) can talk directly to your gateways without having to set up IP routing.
How does Belden Horizon Console work?
Wondering how Belden Horizon Console is set up (and how it stays secure)? Find out the security considerations involved in its design, and why its microservices and containers architecture is ideal for your application.
download technical overviewBelden Horizon Console is easy to use, highly scalable, and available.
Secure Remote Access focuses on OT’s need to keep machine and process downtime to a minimum and IT’s need for visibility and security.
Persistent Data Network Simple, Secure and Managed remote infrastructure communication network designed to connect geographically dispersed assets.
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