ProSoft Technology 的 EtherNet/IP™ 转 ASCII 通信网关可实现在 EtherNet/IP™ PAC 和 ASCII 设备 (磅秤和条码扫描器) 之间进行高速双向数据传输。EtherNet/IP™ 协议驱动程序支持显式报文模块。网关可由用户配置,作为客户端或服务器使用。
EtherNet/IP™ PAC 包括罗克韦尔自动化 ControlLogix® 和 CompactLogix™ 以及多种施耐德电气控制器。该模块在许多行业中有广泛应用,特别是制造、石油与天然气、电力和食品加工等行业。
EtherNet/IP™ 规格
规格 |
描述 |
3 类服务器连接数目 |
5 |
支持的 PLC 类型 |
支持的消息类型 |
3 类客户端连接 |
已连接 - 2 未连接 - 1 |
1 类 I/O 连接数目 |
2 |
I/O 连接大小 |
248/248 |
最大 RPI 时间 |
每个连接 5 ms |
支持的 CIP 服务 |
0x4C - CIP 数据表读取 0x4D - CIP 数据表写入 |
命令列表 |
每台客户端支持 100 条命令,每条均可针对命令类型、IP 地址、寄存器寻址和字/位计数进行配置 |
命令集 |
PLC-2/PLC-3/PLC5 基本命令集 PLC5 二进制命令集 PLC5 ASCII 命令集 SLC500 命令集 |
发送和接收 |
发送字符长度 255 字节,每个发送字符之间的延迟时间为 0 到 65535 毫秒 |
规格 |
描述 |
电源 |
标称值 24 VDC |
电流负载 |
标称值 24 VDC @ 300 mA 10 到 36 VDC @ 最大值 610 mA |
工作温度 |
-25°C 至 70°C (-13°F 至 158°F) |
存储温度 |
-40°C 至 80°C (-40°F 至 176°F) |
抗冲击性 |
IEC 60068-2-27;15G @ 11ms,3 轴 (工作时) IEC 60068-2-27;30G @ 18ms,3 轴 (不工作时) |
抗振性 |
IEC 60068-2-6;5G @ 10 至 150 Hz |
相对湿度 |
5% 至 95% RH,无冷凝 |
尺寸 (H x W x D) |
5.38 x 1.99 x 4.38 in |
LED 指示灯
组态 (CFG)、错误 (ERR)、电源 (PWR)、硬件故障 (FLT)、网络状态 (NS)、EtherNet/IP™ I 类或 III 类连接状态 (仅 EtherNet/IP) 模块状态 (MS)、模块组态状态 (仅 EtherNet/IP) 以太网通信端口链接/活动和 100 mbit 串行通信端口接收 (RX) 和发送 (TX) |
10/100Mbit 半双工 RJ45 连接器,50 Hz 到 60 Hz 时电气隔离 1500 Vrms 达 60 秒,遵循 IEC 60950:1991 的第 5.3.2 节中的规定。以太网广播风暴弹性不超过 5000 [ARP] 帧/秒,持续时间不超过 5 分钟 |
串行端口数量 |
1 |
串行端口隔离 |
2500 Vrms 端口信号隔离,符合 UL 1577 规定,串行端口通信信号使用 RF (射频) 调制信号作为隔离介质,IC 芯片型号为 SiliconLabs Si844x (Si8440、Si8441、Si8442) |
每台设备均配备 |
2.5 mm 螺丝起子 ProSoft 解决方案 DVD J180 电源连接器 (1) RJ45-DB9M 串行适配器电缆 (串行协议) (1) DB9 转接螺栓型端子适配器 (串行协议) 5 英尺直通以太网电缆 |
CE 标志 |
UL/cUL I 类 II 分区 |
ATEX 2 区 |
CB 安全标准 |
EIP Protocol Specifications
In server mode, the gateway accepts commands from one or more Clients to read/write data stored in the gateway’s internal registers.
Number of Connections |
5 |
Supported PLC Types |
PLC2, PLC5, SLC and ControlLogix file types supported |
Internal Database |
Data Table File Size: 100 or 1000 words Data Table File Start: N10 to N109 (based on file size set to 100) or N10 to N19 (based on file set to 1000) |
CIP Services Supported |
0x4C - CIP Data Table Read 0x4D - CIP Data Table Write |
EtherNet/IP Client
In Client mode, the gateway controls the read/write data transfer between the gateway and other EtherNet/IP devices.
Number of Clients Supported |
1 |
Command List |
Support for 100 commands per Client, each configurable for command type, IP address, register to/from addressing and word/bit count. |
Polling of Command List |
User-configurable polling of commands, including disabled, continuous and on change of data (write only). |
Other Configurable Parameters |
Number of Commands (up to 100 per Client) Min Command Delay Response Timeout Retry Count Command Error Pointer |
The ASCII protocol driver permits the module to interface to many ASCII devices. Each ASCII port on the module is configurable to send and/or receive ASCII strings, each supporting its own individual serial network.
The ASCII driver provides a powerful connection between the internal application database in the ProLinx unit and devices supporting serial ASCII communications (bar code scanners, line printers, legacy terminal based computer systems, etc).
The serial port on the gateway is user-configurable to support ASCII communications (Baud rate, Data Bits, Stop Bits, etc). The ASCII port can act as a Master (Send ASCII strings) or as a Slave (Receive ASCII strings), or both.
ASCII Specifications |
Ports |
Available in up to four port configurations to receive and/or transmit data. |
Transmit and Receive buffer size |
255 bytes each |
Transmit character with pacing |
0 to 65535 millisecond delay between each transmitted character. |
ATEX Letter of Conformity | 107.32 kB | Last Modified 2022.05.12 |
CB Safety | 348.30 kB | Last Modified 2022.10.20 |
Korean KC Registration | 974.32 kB | Last Modified 2020.07.07 |
UL Certificate of Compliance | 233.35 kB | Last Modified 2022.11.16 |
Declaration of Conformity (RoHS/CE) | 114.24 kB | Last Modified 2022.06.01 |
ODVA EtherNet/IP - Declaration of Conformity | 183.48 kB | Last Modified 2020.11.09 |
Country Approval - Eurasian Customs Union Conformity (EAC) (Wired) | 1.92 MB | Last Modified 2020.07.10 |
Declaration of REACH Compliance | 145.49 kB | Last Modified 2022.06.01 |