ProSoft Technology 的 Modbus® TCP/IP 转 Modbus® 串行通信网关可实现在 Modbus® TCP/IP PAC 与 Modbus® 串行设备之间进行高速双向数据传输。Modbus® 串行设备几乎在每个行业都有广泛应用,它包含 SCADA 系统和电力
¨ 同时支持多达 20 个客户端和服务器连接,可实现 HMI、SCADA 系统、电力监测器和流量计算机等设备之间进行快速通信。
¨ 内置 SD 卡卡槽 (SD 卡为选配件),方便存储组态文件。这可用于故障恢复。
¨ ProSoft Discovery Service:这是一个实用程序,通过它,无需处于相同子网便可在 PC 上查看网关,更改缺省 IP 地址。 |
Modbus® TCP/IP 规格
规格 |
描述 |
支持的 Modbus 功能 |
1:读取线圈状态 2:读取输入状态 3:读取保持寄存器 4:读取输入寄存器 5:强制 (写入) 单个线圈
6:预设 (写入) 单个保持 |
15: 强制 (写) 多线圈
16:预设 (写入) 多个保持
23:读取/写入保持寄存器 |
支持的客户端 |
10 |
支持的服务器 |
MBAP - 5 封装 - 5 |
命令列表 |
多达 160 条完全可配置的客户端命令 |
状态数据 |
为每条命令单独报告错误代码 |
命令列表轮询 |
可单独启用或禁用每条命令;数据更改时仅允许写入 |
Modbus 串行规格
规格 |
描述 |
命令列表 |
每个主站端口最多支持 100 条命令,每条均可针对功能代码、从站地址、寄存器寻址和字/位计数进行完全的配置。 |
支持的 Modbus 功能 |
1:读取线圈状态 2:读取输入状态 3:读取保持寄存器 4:读取输入寄存器 5:强制 (写入) 单个线圈
6:预设 (写入) 单个保持 |
15:强制 (写入) 多个线圈
16:预设 (写入) 多个保持
23:读取/写入保持寄存器 |
软件可配置通信参数 |
波特率:110 至 115.2 kbps Modbus RTU 模式 (二进制),带 CRC-16 Modbus ASCII 模式,带 LRC 错误校验 浮点数据 - 支持浮点数据移动,包括对 Enron 和 Daniel 协议实施的可配置支持 |
命令列表轮询 |
可配置的命令列表轮询,包括连续的和变化时的数据,由用户动态启用或自动启用。 |
状态数据 |
按各命令分组提供错误代码。此外还有一个从站状态列表 |
节点地址 |
1 至 247 (可通过软件选择) |
RS 接口 |
RS232、RS422 和 RS485 |
发送和接收 |
发送字符长度 255 字节,每个发送字符之间的延迟时间为 0 到 65535 毫秒 |
规格 |
描述 |
电源 |
标称值 24 VDC |
电流负载 |
标称值 24 VDC @ 300 mA 10 到 36 VDC @ 最大值 610 mA |
工作温度 |
-25°C 至 70°C (-13°F 至 158°F) |
存储温度 |
-40°C 至 80°C (-40°F 至 176°F) |
抗冲击性 |
IEC 60068-2-27;15G @ 11ms,3 轴 (工作时) IEC 60068-2-27;30G @ 18ms,3 轴 (不工作时) |
抗振性 |
IEC 60068-2-6;5G @ 10 至 150 Hz |
相对湿度 |
5% 至 95% RH,无冷凝 |
尺寸 (H x W x D) |
5.38 x 1.99 x 4.38 in |
LED 指示灯
组态 (CFG)、错误 (ERR)、电源 (PWR)、硬件故障 (FLT)、网络状态 (NS)、EtherNet/IP™ I 类或 III 类连接状态 (仅 EtherNet/IP) 模块状态 (MS)、模块组态状态 (仅 EtherNet/IP) 以太网通信端口链接/活动和 100 mbit 串行通信端口接收 (RX) 和发送 (TX) |
10/100Mbit 半双工 RJ45 连接器,50 Hz 到 60 Hz 时电气隔离 1500 Vrms 达 60 秒,遵循 IEC 60950:1991 的第 5.3.2 节中的规定。以太网广播风暴弹性不超过 5000 [ARP] 帧/秒,持续时间不超过 5 分钟 |
串行端口数量 |
1 |
串行端口隔离 |
2500 Vrms 端口信号隔离,符合 UL 1577 规定,串行端口通信信号使用 RF (射频) 调制信号作为隔离介质,IC 芯片型号为 SiliconLabs Si844x (Si8440、Si8441、Si8442) |
每台设备均配备 |
2.5 mm 螺丝起子 ProSoft 解决方案 DVD J180 电源连接器 (1) RJ45-DB9M 串行适配器电缆 (串行协议) (1) DB9 转接螺栓型端子适配器 (串行协议) 5 英尺直通以太网电缆 |
ATEX 2 区 |
CB Safety |
CE Mark |
UL/cUL Class 1 Div 2 |
Specification |
Description |
Power Supply |
24 Vdc nominal |
Current Load |
24 Vdc @ 300mA nominal |
Operating Temperature |
-25°C to 70°C (-13°F to 158°F ) |
Storage Temperature |
-40°C to 80°C (-40°F to 176°F ) |
Shock |
IEC 60068-2-27; 15G @ 11ms, 3-Axis (Operational) |
Vibration |
IEC 60068-2-6; 5G @ 10Hz to 150Hz |
Relative Humidity |
5% to 95% RH with no condensation |
Dimensions |
Standard: 5.38 in x 1.99 in x 4.38 in |
LED Indicators |
Configuration (CFG) and Error (ERR) Communication Status |
Ethernet Port |
10/100Mbit half-duplex RJ45 Connector Electrical Isolation 1500 Vrms at 50 Hz to 60 Hz for 60 seconds, applied as specified in section 5.3.2 of IEC 60950: 1991 |
Serial Port(S) |
Note: The number of serial communication ports depends on the gateway type, and the combination of protocols. |
Serial Port Isolation |
2500 Vrms port signal isolation per UL 1577 |
Shipped With Each Unit |
2.5 mm screwdriver |
MBS Protocol Specifications
Modbus Master
A port configured as a virtual Modbus Master actively issues Modbus commands to other nodes on the Modbus network. The Master ports have an optimized polling characteristic that polls slaves with communication problems less frequently.
Command List |
Up to 100 commands per Master port, each fully configurable for function, slave address, register to/from addressing and word/bit count. |
Polling of Command List |
Configurable polling of command list, including continuous and on change of data, and dynamically user or automatic enabled. |
Status Data |
Error codes available on an individual command basis. In addition, a slave status list is maintained per active Modbus Master port. |
Modbus Slave
A port configured as a Modbus slave permits a remote Master to interact with all data contained in the module. This data can be derived from other Modbus slave devices on the network, through a Master port, or from the module.
Node Address |
1 to 247 (software selectable) |
Status Data |
Error codes, counters and port status available per configured slave port |
Number of Class 3 Server Connections |
5 |
Supported PLC Types |
PLC2, PLC5, SLC, ControlLogix |
Supported Message Types |
PCCC and CIP |
Number of Class 3 Client Connections |
Connected |
2 |
Number of Class 1 I/O Connections |
2 |
I/O connection sizes |
248/248 |
Max RPI time |
5ms per connection |
CIP Services Supported |
0x4C - CIP Data Table Read |
Command List |
Support for 100 commands per Client, each configurable for command type, IP address, register to/from addressing and word/bit count. |
Command Sets |
PLC-2/PLC-3/PLC5 Basic Command Set |
Command List |
Up to 100 commands per Master port, each fully configurable for Function Code, slave address, register to/from addressing and word/bit count. |
Supported Modbus Function Codes |
1: Read Coil Status |
15: Force (Write) Multiple Coils |
Software configurable communication parameters |
Baud rate: 110 baud to 115.2 kbps Parity: None, Even, Odd Data Size: 7 or 8 bits Stop bits: 1 or 2 RTS on/off delay: 0 to 65535 milliseconds |
Polling of Command List |
Configurable polling of command list, including continuous and on change of data, and dynamically user or automatic enabled. |
Status Data |
Error codes available on an individual command basis. In addition, a slave status list is maintained per active Modbus Master port. |
Node Address |
1 to 247 (software selectable) |
RS Interface |
RS232, RS422, and RS485 |
ATEX Letter of Conformity | 107.32 kB | Last Modified 2022.05.12 |
CB Safety | 348.30 kB | Last Modified 2022.10.20 |
Korean KC Registration | 974.32 kB | Last Modified 2020.07.07 |
UL Certificate of Compliance | 233.35 kB | Last Modified 2022.11.16 |
Declaration of Conformity (RoHS/CE) | 114.24 kB | Last Modified 2022.06.01 |
Country Approval - Eurasian Customs Union Conformity (EAC) (Wired) | 1.92 MB | Last Modified 2020.07.10 |
Declaration of REACH Compliance | 145.49 kB | Last Modified 2022.06.01 |