ProSoft Technology 的 Modbus® TCP/IP 转西门子工业以太网网关可实现在 Modbus® TCP/IP 控制器与西门子 S7-400、S7-300、S7-200、S7-1200 和 S7-1500 PAC 之间进行高速双向数据传输。
此外,网关功能众多 (包括数据优先级排序),集成简便,可大大缩短调试时间,优化性能。
The IEC 60870-5-104 Server Communication Module allows compatible processors to interface easily with IEC 60870-5-104 protocol-compatible hosts. Developed under license from Schneider Electric, the module incorporates proprietary backplane technology that enables powerful data access to the Quantum processor.
The PTQ-104S module acts as an input/output module between the IEC-60870-5-104 Ethernet network and the processor. Data transfer between the module and the processor is asynchronous from the actions on the network. Databases are defined by the user for the module to hold data as required by the protocol.
The DNP 3.0 Server over Ethernet with Quality Flag supports the implementation of the DNP 3.0 (Distributed Network Protocol) over Ethernet, allowing Quantum processors to easily communicate with host systems supporting the protocol. The module supports DNP Subset Level 2 features and some Level 3 features. The addition of the Quality Flag helps to insure data reliability for critical or time sensitive communication.
The HART Multi-drop Network Interface Module is a backplane-compatible module that allows Quantum processors to interface easily with HART compatible devices. Devices commonly supporting the protocol include pressure, temperature, flow transmitters, as well as other similar instruments commonly found in the process (and other) industry.
HART® is a registered trademark of the HART Communication Foundation
PROFIBUS DPV1 主站模块是一款强大的基于 Quantum® 处理器平台的通信接口模块。该模块经授权开发,集成了专利背板技术,能够与处理器进行高效的数据交换。
该模块支持完整的 Profibus-DP 主站规格,符合 IEC 61158 标准。非循环参数数据可通过类别 1 或类别 2 的 DPV1 服务进行传输,从而使处理器通过该模块与支持 PROFIBUS DPV0/V1 协议的从站设备轻松实现通信。
该模块在 PROFIBUS 网络和处理器之间完成协议转化和数据传输的时候被视为系统本身的输入/输出模块。处理器的数据传输与 PROFIBUS 网络上的 I/O 数据传输异步。
The PROFIBUS DP Slave module is a powerful communication interface for Unity and Quantum platform processors that allows you to interface easily with a PROFIBUS DP Master device. Developed under license from Schneider Electric, the module incorporates proprietary backplane technology that enables powerful data exchange with Unity and Quantum processors.
The ProSoft Technology Fast Industrial Hotspot (RLX2-IHNF) provides secure wireless solutions for plant-floor, SCADA automation, process control systems and mobile worker Wi-Fi infrastructure. It operates in the 2.4 or 5 GHz bands, including DFS channels, and is good for applications up to 2 mi. / 3.2 km. The radio features Ultra-Fast access point switchover times of less than 10 ms, which is ideal for applications such as automated storage-retrieval systems, automotive skillet lines, and bottle filling machines.
The radio will be appreciated by both sides – OT and IT. Your OT personnel will like the radio’s EtherNet/IP embedded object and Modbus agent support, which allows them to get diagnostic data into their PLC immediately, where they can analyze and act upon data, optimizing your resources. IT departments will appreciate the radio’s SNMP support.
ProSoft Technology 的 Modbus® TCP/IP 转西门子工业以太网网关可 它有两个端口,每个协议驻留在独立的子网中,无需更改各个设备的 IP 地址,可在两个子网之间传输数据。 |
The Modbus TCP/IP to PROFINET device gateway offers bi-directional data transfer between a PROFINET Controller and Modbus TCP/IP networks. The Modbus TCP/IP driver uses multiple clients and servers for faster data throughput. The PROFINET driver operates as a PROFINET device (slave).
The PLX31-MBTCP-PND gateways are stand-alone DIN-rail mounted units that provide one Ethernet port for communications, remote configuration, and diagnostics. The onboard SD Card slot (SD card optional) is used for storing configuration files that can be used for recovery, transferring the configuration to another gateway, or general configuration backup.
Modbus TCP/IP 转 PROFINET网关可实现西门子PROFINET控制器和Modbus TCP/IP 网络间的双向数据传输。 为实现快速数据传输Modbus TCP/IP 驱动使用多客户端和服务器。PROFINET 驱动作为PROFINET网络从站设备。
EtherNet/IP™ 转 PROFINET® IO 设备 (从站) 网关可实现在 EtherNet/IP™ 控制器与 PROFINET® IO 控制器之间进行双向数据传输。EtherNet/IP™ 驱动程序支持 I/O 连接,确保数据或消息指令可靠传送,以向 PAC 发送数据或接收其数据。网关支持适合大型应用的 1440 字节输入数据和 1440 字节输出数据。
此外,网关支持多 I/O 连接,从而方便您为控制数据和模块诊断设置不同的 RPI,以优化以太网带宽。
EtherNet/IP™转PROFINET® IO设备(从站)网关可实现在EtherNet/IP™控制器与PROFINET® IO控制器之间进行双向数据传输。EtherNet/IP 驱动应用1类 I/O连接或者3类消息指令。PROFINET驱动可做为PROFINET A类设备。
ProSoft Technology 防水型 IP67 快速工业热点 (RLX2-IHNF-W) 是专为恶劣环境设计的,具有IP66/67防护等级。它的防水设计使它适合在极端天气下使用,如海上石油钻井平台,并且防尘设计使它适合在采矿应用中。它工作在2.4或5 GHz频段,包括DFS的渠道,应用距离长达2英里/ 3.2公里。
热点支持接入点、中继器和客户端模式。802.11n技术提供快速的数据传输速率高达300 Mbps。在恶劣的工业环境中,这提供了优良的每秒数据包性能和强大的通信。802.11n MIMO和信道绑定支持要求苛刻的无线应用如以太网I/O和高分辨率的视频。
防水电台为SCADA自动化连接,过程控制和移动工作者的WiFi设备提供了安全、可靠、以及速度高达300Mbps 的快速连接。此外,无线电台的快速漫游特性为制造装配线,材料处理系统和地下开采等应用提供了无缝连接网络。
RLX2-IHNF-WC 防水IP67的快速工业热点是UL1类,2分区,具有IP66 / 67等级。应用于极端天气,如海上石油钻井平台(防水),并在采矿应用中使用(防尘)。
防水的工业热点特性,使其提供了安全,可靠和快速的连接速度。对于SCADA自动化,过程控 制和移动工作者,Wi-Fi基础设施其射频传输速率可高达 300 Mbps 。此外,支持无线快速漫游 功能,提供生产装配线,物料处理系统和地下采矿应用。
ProSoft Technology 的 802.11g 大功率工业电台(RLX2-IHG)是一个适合用于远距离应用的高速无线以太网电台。RLX2-IHG电台使用2.4Ghz 频段并且数据速率最高达54Mbps。该型号热点电台支持接入点、中继器、桥接和客户端模式。RLX2-IHG 支持快速漫游,提供危险场所认证以及抗震性和抗冲击性认证证书。
802.11a 大功率工业电台 (RLX2-IHA) 是一个用于远距离传输的高速无线以太网电台。RLX2-IHA 使用5 GHz频段,支持数据速率高达54 Mbps。热点电台支持接入点、中继器、桥接和客户端模式。RLX2-IHA电台支持快速漫游、提供危险场所认证,以及抗振动和冲击认证。
ICX35-HWC工业蜂窝网关是系统集成商和OEM的理想通信解决方案,它必须监控难以到达的地点。通过网关,他们可以在世界上任何地方对4G LTE蜂窝连接进行监控和故障排除,并退回到3G。这确保了应用程序的清晰通信和长寿命。
EtherNet/IP™协议或Modbus TCP/IP控制器可以向网关发送消息,并读取诊断数据,如信号强度、数据使用量等,避免用户耗时长和昂贵的站点访问。
工业蜂窝网关还可以通过ProSoft Connect、ProSoft安全、本地云的工业物联网平台来监控。这个服务可以在世界任何地方被访问,为用户提供直观的Web界面,从中他们可以实时监控他们的自动化设备。
How many times do you need to get a few points of digital or analog inputs and outputs from point A to point B, but can’t justify the cost of running the wires? The Radio Kit is a replacement for hardwired I/O that is simple to deploy. The Kit requires no programming – just wire strippers and a screwdriver. There is no communication protocol to interpret.
The radios are paired and secured at the factory, so there are no settings or configurations to figure out. It is bi-directional, so digital and analog signals can be sent in both directions between two connected I/O stations. Inputs on one module are simply replicated as outputs on the corresponding module. Our wireless I/O makes use of the unlicensed ISM band at either 868 MHz, 900 MHz, or 2.4 GHz (USA only). The radios can send I/O up to 4 miles for the 900 MHz or 1 mile for the 868 MHz and 2.4 GHz models. Each radio pair can connect up to 16 I/O modules, more than enough for most applications.
ProSoft Technology 的多点无线I/O系统允许你不运行长电线,就可以从多个位置进行监控。安全的,可靠的系统并且可扩展,部署快速, 三种模块类型:模拟I/O 0-10 V,模拟i/O 4-20 mA,和数字I/O 和离散I/O–可根据环境和需求进行自定义你的设置。
多点无线I/O系统可以使用用三种不同方法实现:I/O to I/O, I/O to Modbus串行,以及Modbus串口to Modbus串行。这种点对点系统可以从I/O或者Modbus 设备将数据移动到其他任何节点。数字输入模块可以作为计数器,将累积的值发送到另一个位置。
The Modbus TCP/IP to IEC 61850 gateway enables communication between the Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) on an IEC 61850 network and Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) or Programmable Automation Controllers (PACs) on a Modbus TCP/IP network.
The configuration utility software provided with the gateway uses IED configuration files to import complex IEC 61850 data structures. The utility creates Variable files and Function Block files for import into Unity Pro projects for Quantum or M340 processors.
IEC 61850 is the international standard that defines the hardware and communication requirements for all devices within substation automation. The standardized naming conventions imposed by the IEC 61850 standard improves interoperability between systems provided by diverse manufactures or created by multiple system integrators.
ProSoft Technology provides field-proven connectivity and communication solutions that bridge between various automation products seamlessly
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Secure Remote Access SolutionSystem integrators, OEMs, and large end users in particular will appreciate the ease of use that ProSoft Connect offers when it comes to monitoring and programming remote control equipment. With ProSoft Connect, it doesn't matter where you are. All you need is an internet connection! How it helps you...
Save time and money: By being able to monitor and troubleshoot your control equipment in real time from anywhere in the world, you reduce your support travel expenses and you associated time. |
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