The reliability and ease of use you gain from industrial wireless radios make them a great scalable option for your application, but there’s a lot to consider when you’re planning a network, or thinking of adding to your current setup. We’ve put together some great resources to help with wireless planning and implementation – make sure to bookmark this post for future reference.
Read moreRecently, we heard from two of ProSoft’s water and wastewater experts about connecting each part of a W/WW site. Watch the recording here, and check out our top three takeaways from their presentation.
Read moreThe size and complexity of oil and gas applications make it impossible for users to use one technology or platform. Each part has information that needs to be sent to your PAC or SCADA system, making real-time protocol conversion and data transfer a must. Meanwhile, throughout your wellpad site, wireless connectivity can ensure reliable communications among wide-ranging equipment.
Read moreIn broadcasting their own network from your channel, rogue access points negatively affect your channel utilization and data collection. The new update to ProSoft’s wireless radio suite helps you detect those misplaced APs.
Read moreOnce you know how many wireless access points you need, how far apart they’ll be, and other key data, we have a resource that can help you determine radios and antennas that can help connect your facility.
Read moreIn product-driven businesses like those found in manufacturing, ecommerce, and even food and beverage, product quality, shipping speed, and cost are all focal points for the customer. As such, logistics automation for warehouses and distribution centers is becoming more critical to the core operations of businesses in these industries. Wireless communication is key to the success of these logistics applications.
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