DF1, 4xxx, 5xxx, Wonderware, ... Why am I unable to communicate with Wonderware from a 4xxx or 5xxx Series gateway in a full Duplex DF1 configuration
Read moresession time out, 4xxx, 5xxx, hyperterminal, download, ... Why does the session time out when downloading a configuration file via HyperTerminal to my 4xxx or 5xxx Series ProLinx Gateway?
Read moreI have a serial device which does not use the RS232C standard. It uses a voltage level of +5V for mark and 0V for space. Will this device communicate with RadioLinx products?
Read moreVerify the cable matches the diagram on page 50 of the user manual. If pins 7 and 8 are not jumpered, and there is communications on pins 1 or 9, your backplane transfers will fail. The error status
Read moreso the recommendation is not to use the "0035" [PWR_DWN_5V_LOSS] fault code but to use 0x00000038" [PWR_DWN_24V_LOSS]. Despite the minor fault's name, PWR_DWN_24V_LOSS, the signal is not provided ... How can I use fault code 0x00000035 (PWR_DWN_5V_LOSS Power supply is below 5v. Shutdown is eminent) or any other fault code(s) to trigger a shutdown on AppSrv module?
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