for the PDPMV1, however it would be used for other protocols such as DNP where time-date stamping is required. Under a condition where the module's battery is dead and then inserted on a rack, a low battery light
Read moreThe values and definitions for the RXstate parameter are: -1 : waiting for receive data. 1 : receiving data. 2 : waiting for backplane transfer the values and definitions
Read moreThe ProSoft ProTalkQ PTQ-PDPMV1 PROFIBUS Master solution is supplied with a comDTM driver that allows it to be used with any PROFIBUS device management software that uses comDTM technology ... Is the Siemens Simatic PDM PROFIBUS device management software compatible with ProSoft's ProTalkQ PTQ-PDPMV1 PROFIBUS Master solution?
Read moreThe first firmware version for the PTQ-PDPMV1 that supported HSBY was version 1.15. That version and successive versions up until version 1.25 could support only one (1) PTQ-PDPMV1 module per HSBY ... How many ProTalkQ PTQ-PDPMV1 can I use in my Quantum HotStandby (HSBY) system?
Read morebit 0: CTSs change bit 1: DSR change bit 2: RI change bit 3: CD change bit 4: RTS change bit 5: CTS input state bit 6: RI input state bit 7: CD input state
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