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7000 Series - AppSrvCE

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Why is COM port 1 not available on the AppSrvCE unit?

The latest AppSrvCE platform, v1.23, includes ELO USB and serialtouch screen drivers.  COM1 is allocated by the touch screen serialdriver, whether or not a serial touch screen is actually present.  As aresult COM1 is not available to any other application.To disable the...

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What can I do to troubleshoot connection problems between Echo Historian and OPC/SLS servers on the PC56/PC56CE/7000AppSrvCE platforms?

DCOM configuration issues are the most likely causes for connectivity issues from/to the Echo Historian & OPC/SLS servers offered on the PC56/PC56CE/7000 AppSrvCE solutions. This relates to how Windows network clients validate each others addresses.For two DCOM components on ...

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Every attempt to download an EZ-Studio project to the AppServ module results in an "echoxmlcfg" failure. How do I fix this?

Running the TEMU utility in the /DiskOnChip area of the appsrv's filesystem resolves this....

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I get an "echoxmlcfg failure" message whenever I try to download an EZ-Studio project to my ProSoft 7000 Historian. How do I fix this?

Running the TEMU.exe utility in the /DiskOnChip area of the appsrv's file system resolves this.If you are using OPC, then Register OPC Components checkbox should be checked. The utility will walk you through the maze of unlocking the registry. Once the registry is unlocked, this ...

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I'm not able to create more than 7 interfaces in my EZStudio project, how can I add more interfaces?

In versions older than 7.07.0015 of the EZStudio Runtime is not possible to add more than 7 interfaces in an EZStudio Project. There are two ways to overcome this, request to the support department for an upgraded version of the EZRuntime or replace the RTLibCE.dll on the AppSrvC...

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How do I do a Remote Display Connection with the AppSrvCE?

To be able to have a remote display connection with the AppSrvCE you need to install the Microsoft Remote Desktop utility that you can download for free from the Microsoft Web Site.Run the Microsoft Remote Desktop from the menu Start -> Remote Display Control -> Remote Disp...

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How do I setup the IP Address in an AppSrvCE?

If you connect a monitor, keyboard and mouse, the IP Address of an AppSrvCE can be changed the same way the IP is changed in a windows PC, going to the Control Panel -> Network Properties.Tipically when an AppSrvCE is installed is not easy to connect a keyboard and monitor, so...

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What are the default IP Addresses on an AppSrvCE unit?

The factory default configuration of the AppSrvCE Ethernet Ports is as Follows:Left Port: IP = NetMask = Port: IP = Is obtained using DHCPThe easiest way to connect to an AppServer is to connect using the left port, and then configure both ethernet ...

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How do I get AppServCE applications to Auto-Start on power-up?

On the AppSrvCE you can create a registry value to start a program when the module starts up. In the registry editor (regedit), under 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Online Development\LaunchIt', create a new STRING value, give it any name you like and assign as the value the execu...

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I'm developing applications for the AppServ CE and need to know, how do I get applications to auto-start on power-up?

On the AppSrvCE you can create a registry value to start a program when the module starts up. In the registry editor (regedit), under 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Online Development\LaunchIt', create a new STRING value, give it any name you like and assign as the value the execut...

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How can I use fault code 0x00000035 (PWR_DWN_5V_LOSS Power supply is below 5v. Shutdown is eminent) or any other fault code(s) to trigger a shutdown on AppSrv module?

When AppSrv actually sees and responds to the corresponding signal from the operating system, shutdown is truly imminent and there may not be adequate time remaining to perform an elegant shutdown so the recommendation is not to use the "0035" [PWR_DWN_5V_LOSS] fault co...

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How do I change the video display resolution in the AppSrv?

There is no configuration utilityprovided to change the video display resolution. The resolution can beset by changing the following values in the registry: hkey_local_machinesoftwaregeoderesolution hkey_local_machinesoftwaregeodeframebufferdepthThe default resolution is "80...

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How does one autostart an application in the appsrvce?

If one is using our EZ Runtime in conjunction with the EZ Dev Studio to develop real-time data aquisition or historical data aquisition and control applications then you may simply add an entry for the application in the Startup file in the DiskOnChip directory. But if one has pu...

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