Bit read and write commands are issuing properly, and responses are coming from the slave(s), but the data is not correct.
When setting the intaddress field for a bit or coil Modbus command (Modbus function codes 1, 5, and 15), the internal address specified in the command must be at the bit level.
If the command is issuing a bit read (function code 1), and you wish to place the data in word 600 of the MCM module, the intaddress field should be set to 9600 (600 * 16 bits per word = intaddress of 9600).
This would place the data in word 600, bit 0 of the MCM module. An intaddress of 9601 would place the data in word 600, bit 1.
Second Example:
If the command is issuing a bit read, and you wish to place the data in word 812 of the MCM module, the intaddress field should be set to 12992 (812 * 16 bits per word = intaddress of 12992).
This would place the data in word 812, bit 0 of the mcm module. An intaddress of 12993 would place the data in word 812, bit 1.